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Astra Credit Companies (ACC)

ACC Group is made up of four financing companies, namely PT Astra Sedaya Finance, PT Swadharma Bhakti Sedaya Finance, PT Astra Auto Finance and PT Staco Estika Sedaya Finance, and a company engaged in collection services, PT Pratama Sadya Sadhana. ACC offers both conventional and sharia financing.

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ACC has a variety of financing products, such as new and used car financing and Retail Commercial, Fleet, and multipurpose financing (multiguna), with conventional financing scheme and Islamic financing scheme. ACC has an extensive network covering 76 branch offices. ACC provides convenience for customers, with a variety of payment channels such as Bank Transfer, Auto Debit, Post Office, Tokopedia Marketplace, and Indomaret minimarket as well through the acc.one mobile application.

Entering the digital era, ACC launched a mobile application for financing called acc.one. acc.one is an application that is the integrator of all business capabilities and ACC digital initiatives which has a one-stop shopping concept in full-featured financing service that will provide convenience for customers and the general public in obtaining financing services.

The ACC service was then enriched with the launch of the Seamless Digital Experience, a faster, easier, and more enjoyable experience in owning a car. All financing processes in the ACC from upstream to downstream are carried out in a seamless digital way. Starting from the initial process where people can choose the car bundling credit directly through the acc.one application. Then the process that runs both in the automotive dealership and processed in the internal ACC itself automatically runs directly through the system.

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